Agile Store Locator Google Maps For Wordpress 77 1651514369 1


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Agile Store Locator Google Maps For WordPress 4.10.6

in , on May 4, 2024


Contents at a Glance


The Agile Store Locator Google Maps for WordPress 4.10.6 plugin is a powerful tool for businesses looking to enhance their online presence and improve customer experience. With customizable settings and features, this plugin allows users to easily add a store locator to their website, providing customers with an intuitive way to find locations and information about their nearest stores. Key functions include:

1. Seamless integration with Google Maps for accurate and detailed location information.
2. Customizable map styles and markers for a unique and branded store locator experience.
3. Filter and search options for customers to easily find specific stores based on criteria such as distance, categories, or services.
4. Mobile-responsive design for optimal viewing on all devices, ensuring a smooth user experience.
5. Advanced features such as geolocation support, directions, and store information pop-ups for added convenience.

Overall, the Agile Store Locator Google Maps for WordPress 4.10.6 plugin is a must-have for businesses looking to streamline their store location information and provide a user-friendly experience for their customers.

Previous Available Versions

Version 4.10.6

Download Agile Store Locator Google Maps For WordPress 4.10.6

on our Thema Safe plugin to enjoy free auto updates, one click installation.

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You can now, Search, Download, Install & Update GPL Themes & Plugins Directly From your WordPress Dashboard with Our Plugin ThemaSafe Plugin. 

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Product Information

  • Version


  • Last Updated

    May 4, 2024

  • Released

    May 4, 2024

  • Price
