Code Snippets Pro 3.6.3


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Code Snippets Pro 3.6.3

in on November 20, 2023


Contents at a Glance


Code Snippets Pro 3.6.3 is a powerful WordPress plugin that allows users to easily add and manage custom code snippets on their website without directly editing their theme’s files. With this plugin, users can create, organize, and re-use their own PHP, HTML, JavaScript, and CSS code snippets.

Key functions:
1. Create and manage code snippets directly from the WordPress dashboard.
2. Insert custom code snippets into any post or page using shortcodes.
3. Execute code snippets on specific pages or for specific users with conditional logic.
4. Organize snippets into categories for easy management.
5. Export and import code snippets for easy sharing and backup.
6. Syntax highlighting and error checking for a smooth coding experience.

Previous Available Versions

Version 3.6.3

Download Code Snippets Pro 3.6.3 on our Thema Safe plugin to enjoy free auto updates, one click installation.

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You can now, Search, Download, Install & Update GPL Themes & Plugins Directly From your WordPress Dashboard with Our Plugin ThemaSafe Plugin. 

If an item update isn’t done, request update by indicating the latest version. our agents will follow up and you’ll receive an update notification within the shortest time possible.

Check with support for availability of demo data and child themes.

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Product Information

  • Version

    Version 3.6.3

  • Last Updated

    November 20, 2023

  • Released

    November 20, 2023

  • Price
