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ColbaltApps: Beaver Extender 1.2.4

in , on September 25, 2023


Contents at a Glance


The ultimate Beaver Builder Theme companion Plugin. Extending The Beaver Builder Theme Framework by adding powerful design & customization tools. Style Beaver Builder Theme provides tons of design templates and controls to get the design process moving forward quickly. But when it comes to making those fine tuning style adjustments, Beaver Extender kicks into high gear! Code Inevitably custom coding will become necessary during the web design process, even with Beaver Builder Theme. So when you need to dig into some CSS, PHP or JS coding it will all be there in your WP Dashboard. Customize The Beaver Builder Page Builder Plugin is great for building out specific templates, but when you need to add site-wide customizations, or even go outside those page boundaries, you’ll find Beaver Extender indispensable. Beaver Extender Features Customize your site’s design using the simple, yet powerful combination of the Front-end CSS Editor with real-time design feedback, and the Custom CSS Building tool that writes CSS code for you. Create an UNLIMITED number of Custom Widget Areas, Content Areas, Page and WordPress Templates to build your webpages the way you want to. Create an UNLIMITED number of Custom Labels and Conditionals to precisely control these Custom Content Areas created by Extender. View all Beaver Builder Theme Framework action hooks on the front-end of your site with the single click of your mouse, providing a visual reference for hooking in your Custom Widget Areas and Hook Boxes. Add your Custom CSS, Functions, and Javascript code to your Beaver Builder Child Theme using your Beaver Extender admin options, making your customizations completely “Theme Update Proof” while making it super simple to edit and add to as your site evolves. Easily backup and transfer your Beaver Extender Plugin settings through the Import/Export Options.Download ColbaltApps: Beaver Extender for free.

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You can now, Search, Download, Install & Update GPL Themes & Plugins Directly From your WordPress Dashboard with Our Plugin ThemaSafe Plugin. 

If an item update isn’t done, request update by indicating the latest version. our agents will follow up and you’ll receive an update notification within the shortest time possible.

Check with support for availability of demo data and child themes.

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Product Information

  • Version


  • Last Updated

    September 25, 2023

  • Released

    September 25, 2023

  • Price
