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JetFormBuilder Save Form Progress Addon [JetPlugins by Crocoblock] 1.0.8

in , on September 25, 2023


Contents at a Glance


JetFormBuilder Save Form Progress Addon is a valuable tool for creating complex and lengthy forms on WordPress websites. It allows users to save their form progress, including partially filled-out forms, and return later to complete the submission.

Key Features of JetFormBuilder Save Form Progress Addon:

  1. Seamless Integration: Seamlessly integrates with the JetFormBuilder plugin, allowing you to enable the “Save Form Progress” feature for your forms.
  2. Form Progress Saving: Automatically save the progress of form submissions, including user-entered data, selections, and uploaded files.
  3. User Accounts: Optionally link form progress saving to user accounts, allowing registered users to save and retrieve their form progress.
  4. Guest Users: Provide the option for guest users (non-registered users) to save and continue their form progress by providing a unique token or link.
  5. Customization Options: Customize the appearance and behavior of the “Save Form Progress” feature, including the ability to control how long form progress is retained.
  6. Automatic Reminders: Send automated email reminders to users who have saved their form progress but haven’t completed the submission.
  7. User-Friendly Experience: Create a user-friendly experience that encourages users to save their form progress and return to complete it.
  8. Multi-Step Forms: Easily implement the “Save Form Progress” feature in multi-step or multi-page forms.
  9. Security Measures: Implement security measures to protect user data and form progress, ensuring that saved data is secure.

Previous Available Versions

Version- 1.0.8

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Product Information

  • Version


  • Last Updated

    October 1, 2023

  • File Size


  • Released

    September 25, 2023

  • Price


  • License