LearnDash Achievements


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LearnDash Achievements 1.1.1

in , , on May 26, 2023


Contents at a Glance


Supercharge Your LearnDash Site with the LearnDash Achievements Add-On!

The LearnDash Achievements add-on is a powerful tool that enables you to create and display achievement banners based on various triggers on your LearnDash eLearning platform. Engage your users by awarding points for each achievement they unlock, fostering a competitive and motivating learning environment.

Easy Installation:
Simply ensure that LearnDash is installed and activated on your WordPress site before activating the Achievements plugin. You can install by manually uploading the plugin file.

Creating Achievements:
To set up achievements and triggers, navigate to the LearnDash Achievements section in your WordPress admin area. Follow these simple steps:

Add a title and a message for your achievement banner.
Specify the triggers by selecting from a range of options, such as course completion, quiz performance, lesson progress, and more.
Associate a specific course, quiz, lesson, topic, or other elements with the chosen trigger.
Awarding Points:
Enhance user motivation by awarding points for each achievement they unlock. Users can accumulate points based on their accomplishments, creating a sense of progression and accomplishment.

Allow Points for Course Purchases:
Users can utilize their earned achievement points to purchase courses on your LearnDash site. Simply enable the “Allow to use achievement points to buy this course” setting in the Achievements tab of the specific course settings. Users with enough points will see an option to redeem them for course access.

Additional Features for Administrators and Group Leaders:
Administrators and Group Leaders have additional permissions and capabilities:

Group Leaders can view individual user points and achievements within the LearnDash LMS section of the WordPress admin area, providing insights into group progress.
Administrators can award extra points to users when needed, providing flexibility in recognizing exceptional achievements.
Customization Options:
Tailor the appearance of achievement popups with the following customization options:

Popup Time: Set the duration before the popup fades away, or allow users to manually close it.
Background Color: Customize the background color of the achievement popup.
Text Color: Modify the text color to suit your site’s design.
RTL (Right-to-Left): Enable this option for the popup to appear on the upper left side of the screen, suitable for RTL language websites.
Flexible Display Options:
Utilize shortcodes or Gutenberg blocks to display leaderboards and individual user achievements anywhere on your site. The available shortcodes are:

Achievements Leaderboard: Display a list of users and their points, with an option to specify the number of users to be shown.
User Achievements: Showcase a logged-in user’s achievements, including icons and titles.
With the LearnDash Achievements add-on, you can motivate and engage your learners, fostering a dynamic and rewarding learning experience. Install this plugin today and unlock the full potential of gamification on your LearnDash eLearning platform.

Previous Versions

Version 1.1.1 Latest version

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Product Information

  • Version


  • Last Updated

    June 26, 2023

  • File Size

    244 KB

  • Released

    May 26, 2023

  • Price


  • License