LearnDash LMS Integrity addon

LearnDash LMS Integrity Addon1.1.0

in on May 26, 2023




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Contents at a Glance


The LearnDash LMS Integrity Addon is a powerful plugin designed to safeguard and maintain the integrity of your LearnDash Learning Management System (LMS) site. It provides a range of features to enhance security and protect your content from unauthorized access and misuse.

Prevent Hotlinking: With the Integrity Addon, you can prevent hotlinking, which involves other websites or users directly linking to your site’s videos and images to steal your bandwidth and server resources. This feature ensures that your multimedia assets are protected and only accessible within your LMS environment.

Prevent Concurrent Login: The addon allows you to control concurrent logins, where a single user tries to access their account from multiple devices or locations simultaneously. By setting a maximum concurrent login limit, you can prevent users from sharing their login credentials and ensure that only one session is active at a time for each user account.

Exclusion for User Roles: You have the flexibility to exclude certain user roles from the concurrent login lockout feature. This enables you to customize the access restrictions based on user roles and their specific needs.

Prevent Content Copy: The Integrity Addon includes a feature to disable copying and pasting of content from your website, as well as the right-click functionality. While it may not completely eliminate content copying, it acts as a deterrent and discourages users from easily copying and plagiarizing your valuable course materials.

reCAPTCHA Integration: The addon seamlessly integrates with Google’s reCAPTCHA service, providing an additional layer of protection against spam, fraud, and abusive activities. By enabling reCAPTCHA, you can require users to verify their human identity through either the invisible reCAPTCHA v3 or the checkbox-based reCAPTCHA v2. This helps ensure that only genuine users can access your site and its content.

Flexible Configuration: The Integrity Addon allows you to configure the reCAPTCHA settings specific to your needs. You can select the forms where reCAPTCHA will be displayed, such as the login form, registration form, or both, providing a tailored and streamlined user experience while maintaining security.

The LearnDash LMS Integrity Addon is a valuable tool for protecting your LearnDash-based e-learning platform. By implementing these security measures, you can confidently deliver your courses while ensuring the integrity of your content, minimizing unauthorized access, and providing a safe and trustworthy learning environment for your users.

Previous Versions

Version 1.1.0 Latest version

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Product Information

  • Version


  • Last Updated

    June 26, 2023

  • File Size

    16.7 KB

  • Released

    May 26, 2023

  • Price


  • License