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Paid Member Subscriptions Discount Codes 1.3.9
- Automatic Update
- Lifetime Updates
- Original files
The Paid Member Subscriptions Discount Codes 1.3.9 is a powerful WordPress plugin that allows you to create and manage discount codes for your membership site. With this plugin, you can easily generate unique discount codes for your members, set expiration dates, and customize discount values and usage restrictions. Key functions include:
1. Generate Unique Discount Codes: Create one-time use or reusable discount codes for your members to encourage sign-ups and renewals.
2. Set Expiration Dates: Control the duration of your discount codes by setting expiration dates to create a sense of urgency for your members.
3. Customize Discount Values: Easily configure the discount amount or percentage off for each code to fit your marketing strategy.
4. Usage Restrictions: Limit the usage of discount codes to specific membership levels, products, or usage per user to maintain the integrity of your promotions.
Overall, the Paid Member Subscriptions Discount Codes 1.3.9 is a must-have plugin for any membership site looking to offer promotional incentives to its members.
Version 1.3.9
Download Paid Member Subscriptions Discount Codes 1.3.9 on our Thema Safe plugin to enjoy free auto updates, one click installation.
Paid Member Subscriptions
You can now, Search, Download, Install & Update GPL Themes & Plugins Directly From your WordPress Dashboard with Our Plugin ThemaSafe Plugin.
If an item update isn’t done, request update by indicating the latest version. our agents will follow up and you’ll receive an update notification within the shortest time possible.
Check with support for availability of demo data and child themes.
Version 1.3.9
December 23, 2023
December 23, 2023
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