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Product Filters for WooCommerce 1.4.16
- Automatic Update
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- Original files
Product Filters for WooCommerce 1.4.16 is a groundbreaking WordPress plugin that offers advanced filtering options for your WooCommerce store. With this plugin, customers can easily search and find products based on various criteria, ensuring a seamless and efficient shopping experience. Key functions include:
1. Multiple Filtering Criteria: Enable customers to filter products by price, category, brand, color, size, and more, providing a personalized browsing experience.
2. Dynamic Filters: As customers navigate through the store, the filters dynamically adjust to display relevant options, ensuring accurate and efficient product selection.
3. AJAX-based Filtering: The plugin uses AJAX technology to instantly update product listings based on applied filters, without the need for page reloads, enhancing user experience.
4. Customizable Layouts: Customize the filter layout to match your store’s theme and design, ensuring a seamless integration with your WooCommerce store.
5. User-friendly Interface: The intuitive and user-friendly interface makes it easy for customers to apply filters and find the products they are looking for, leading to increased conversions and customer satisfaction.
Upgrade your WooCommerce store with Product Filters for WooCommerce 1.4.16 and provide an unparalleled shopping experience for your customers.
Version 1.4.16
Download Product Filters for WooCommerce 1.4.16 on our Thema Safe plugin to enjoy free auto updates, one click installation.
Woocommerce Extensions
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Version 1.4.16
December 27, 2023
December 27, 2023
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