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WooCommerce B2B Sales Agents 1.4.2
- Automatic Update
- Lifetime Updates
- Original files
The WooCommerce B2B Sales Agents 1.4.2 plugin is a powerful tool for businesses looking to streamline and optimize their B2B sales process. With this plugin, users can easily assign sales agents to specific customers or customer groups, track their sales performance, and set up custom commission rates for each agent.
Key functions include:
1. Assigning sales agents to specific customers or customer groups
2. Tracking sales performance and commissions for each sales agent
3. Setting up custom commission rates for individual agents
4. Streamlining the B2B sales process and improving sales efficiency
5. Integrating seamlessly with WooCommerce for a smooth and user-friendly experience.
Overall, the WooCommerce B2B Sales Agents 1.4.2 plugin is a must-have for businesses looking to take their B2B sales to the next level.
Version 1.4.2
Download WooCommerce B2B Sales Agents 1.4.2 on our Thema Safe plugin to enjoy free auto updates, one click installation.
You can now, Search, Download, Install & Update GPL Themes & Plugins Directly From your WordPress Dashboard with Our Plugin ThemaSafe Plugin.
If an item update isn’t done, request update by indicating the latest version. our agents will follow up and you’ll receive an update notification within the shortest time possible.
Check with support for availability of demo data and child themes.
Version 1.4.2
December 6, 2023
December 6, 2023
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