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Woocommerce – Storefront Designer 1.8.4


Contents at a Glance



WooCommerce Storefront Designer – Get creative with Storefront Designer – fine tune your site design for a tailored aesthetic. Storefront Designer gives you incredible creative freedom – make your site stand out from the crowd in just a few clicks! The Storefront Designer extensions add a bunch of additional settings to the Customizer allowing your to further customize the look and feel of your website. With the power, these settings unlock you’ll be able to create a truly unique Storefront site that looks like no other! WooCommerce Storefront Designer Features In addition to the stock Storefront design options you’ll get access to: New header options Choose a new header layout. The ‘expanded’ layout moves your site search and secondary navigation to the top of the page and the ‘central’ layout centrally aligns everything for more streamlined headers. There’s also a ‘Sticky’ header option which, as the name suggests, when enabled will ‘stick’ the header to the top of the page as the user scrolls. Storefront Designer header layout options. New layout options Further to the layout options included by default, Storefront Designer allows you to define a ‘content frame’ around your site, offsetting it from the background. You can also set the background color of that content frame. Additionally, you can choose to display your site in full-width mode which means it will span the full width of the browser – perfect for stores with large imagery. The content frame option in action. New button options Storefront Designer will also give you further control over the display of your buttons. Apply a gradient to give buttons depth, round the corners to make them more friendly, make them totally flat or transparent. Transparent buttons! New typography options Change the atmosphere at your site with a different typographical scheme. Choose from classic Helvetica, the beautiful serif Lora or the organic Robotic Slab. You can also tweak the scale of your entire site according to your taste and audience. The Robotic Slab typeface Footer Credit Finally you can easily remove the Storefront credit link in the footer, but why would you want to do that?!

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Product Information

  • Version


  • Last Updated

    September 23, 2023

  • Released

    September 23, 2023

  • Price
