Wordpress Ban Registration Domain 1.0.4


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WordPress Ban Registration Domain 1.0.4

in , on December 13, 2023


Contents at a Glance


The WordPress Ban Registration Domain 1.0.4 plugin is designed to help website owners prevent spam registrations by blocking specific email domains from registering on their site. This plugin offers the following key functions:

1. Domain Blocking: Easily block specific email domains from being used to register on your WordPress site, reducing the likelihood of spam registrations.

2. Customizable List: Maintain a customizable list of banned domains, allowing you to add or remove domains as needed to effectively manage spam registrations.

3. Improved Security: Enhance the security of your website by preventing spam accounts from being created, keeping your user database clean and secure.

4. Easy Integration: Seamless integration with WordPress makes it easy to install and configure the plugin, with no technical expertise required.

With the WordPress Ban Registration Domain 1.0.4 plugin, website owners can effectively mitigate spam registrations and improve the overall security and user experience of their WordPress site.

Previous Available Versions

Version 1.0.4

Download WordPress Ban Registration Domain 1.0.4 on our Thema Safe plugin to enjoy free auto updates, one click installation.


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Product Information

  • Version

    Version 1.0.4

  • Last Updated

    December 13, 2023

  • Released

    December 13, 2023

  • Price
