Wp Speed Of Light Pro Addon 3.3.3


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WP Speed of Light PRO Addon 3.3.3

in , on December 22, 2023


Contents at a Glance


WP Speed of Light PRO Addon 3.3.3 is a powerful WordPress plugin designed to optimize website speed and performance. With its key functions, this plugin allows users to effortlessly boost their website’s loading speed and improve overall user experience.

Key functions include:
1. Image optimization: Compress and resize images to reduce load time and improve page speed.
2. Cache management: Enable browser caching and efficiently manage website cache for faster loading times.
3. Minify CSS and JavaScript: Minimize file size by removing unnecessary whitespace and comments, enhancing website performance.
4. Database cleanup: Optimize the database to reduce bloat and improve website speed.
5. CDN integration: Seamlessly integrate with a content delivery network to distribute website content globally and enhance loading speed.
6. Gzip compression: Enable Gzip compression to reduce file sizes and speed up website loading.

With WP Speed of Light PRO Addon 3.3.3, users can easily enhance their website’s performance and provide a seamless browsing experience for their visitors.

Previous Available Versions

Version 3.3.3

Download WP Speed of Light PRO Addon 3.3.3 on our Thema Safe plugin to enjoy free auto updates, one click installation.


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If an item update isn’t done, request update by indicating the latest version. our agents will follow up and you’ll receive an update notification within the shortest time possible.

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Product Information

  • Version

    Version 3.3.3

  • Last Updated

    December 22, 2023

  • Released

    December 22, 2023

  • Price
