WP_Ultimate_Member_Social_Plugin WordPress Plugin 1.0.0
- Automatic Update
- Lifetime Updates
- Original files
This plugin will give you facility to extend socialization (Connect, Chat, Notifications, Privacy etc.) functionality of Ultimate Member to next level. It is very easy to installable and configurable. Once it is active and configured, you can connect registered members from Ultimate Member members directory, receiver will get notification about new connection request. They can accept or deny the request. If they accept, you will get option to chat (Private one by one) with them. Each chat will send notification to receiver. User can turn on/off notification from Ultimate Member privacy sections, there they will get new options to turn on/off for connection request, connection acceptance and message request. “WP UM Social” comes with a widget and short code ([wpumsocial]), to show notification window on any place of the template.
Download WP_Ultimate_Member_Social_Plugin WordPress Plugin 1.0.0 free with our Membership plan
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September 25, 2023
September 25, 2023
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