YITH WooCommerce Pre Order Premium


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YITH WooCommerce Pre Order Premium 2.14.1

in , on September 25, 2023


Contents at a Glance


YITH WooCommerce Pre-Order Premium is a premium WooCommerce plugin designed to enable pre-order functionality on your e-commerce website powered by WooCommerce. Pre-orders allow customers to purchase products that are not yet available for immediate delivery, securing their orders in advance. This can be particularly useful for businesses that offer products on a pre-sale basis, such as book releases, limited edition items, or upcoming product launches.

Key features and functionalities in YITH WooCommerce Pre Order Premium plugin:

  1. Pre-Order Status: The plugin adds a pre-order status to specific products, indicating that these products are available for pre-order.
  2. Pre-Order Button: A “Pre-Order” button or label is displayed on product pages for items available for pre-order. This informs customers that they can place orders for these products in advance.
  3. Customizable Pre-Order Messages: You can customize the messages that appear on product pages, cart pages, and checkout pages to provide information about pre-orders, estimated release dates, and more.
  4. Stock Management: The plugin allows you to manage inventory for pre-ordered products separately, ensuring that you don’t oversell items that are not yet in stock.
  5. Release Dates: You can set release or availability dates for pre-ordered products, giving customers a clear timeline for when they can expect to receive their orders.
  6. Payment Handling: The plugin supports payment collection for pre-ordered products, allowing customers to pay for their orders in advance.
  7. Partial Payments: Some versions of the plugin offer the option for customers to make partial payments when placing a pre-order, with the remaining balance due upon release.
  8. Email Notifications: Automatic email notifications can be sent to customers who place pre-orders, confirming their order, providing order details, and reminding them of the release date.
  9. Cart and Checkout Management: The plugin manages the cart and checkout process for pre-ordered products, ensuring that customers are aware of any pre-orders in their cart.
  10. Visibility Rules: You can set rules for when and how pre-order products are displayed on your website, such as showing them only when the product is out of stock.
  11. Reporting and Analytics: Some versions of the plugin offer reporting and analytics features to track pre-order sales and customer engagement.
  12. Compatibility: YITH WooCommerce Pre-Order Premium is designed to work seamlessly with WooCommerce and other popular WooCommerce extensions.

Previous Available Versions

Version- 2.14.1

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Product Information

  • Version


  • Last Updated

    September 26, 2023

  • File Size


  • Released

    September 25, 2023

  • Price


  • License